
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Bjølvo电厂 is located in Ålvik in Kvam Municipality in Vestland County.

  • 1918
  • 98 MW
  • 492.7、妇女

The power plant uses the height of fall between Lake Bjølsegrøvatnet and Hardangerfjord.

Lake Bjølsegrøvatnet is regulated between 880 and 862 metres above sea level. Water is also transferred from several stream intakes and from Kastdalen pumping station.

Bjølvo power plant is located at Ålvik in Kvam Municipality in Vestland County.
Bjølvo电厂 is located at Ålvik in Kvam Municipality in Vestland County. (图片来源:Erling Nystad)

The original power plant was commissioned in 1918 with three turbines of 9 MW each, and was expanded in 1938 and 1972. The Norwegian state took over the plant in 1964 as a result of right of reversion. Bjølvefossen AS leased the plant until 1997 when 十大最好的网赌平台 took over operation and began planning a new plant. The new power plant began production in 2004 with an installed capacity of 98 MW.

Bjølvo power plant is located at Ålvik in Kvam Municipality in Vestland County. The red buildings are the old power plant, which was demolished in 2017.
Bjølvo电厂 is located at Ålvik in Kvam Municipality in Vestland County. The red buildings are the old power plant, which was demolished in 2017. (Photo: Harald Hognerud, Norsk Vasskraft- og Industristadmuseum)

New Bjølvo电厂 is located inside the mountain with an access tunnel of 1,200 metres from the reception building to the outlet. The old power plant was demolished after extensive historical documentation work was undertaken in 2014 and 2015.

The new Bjølvo电厂 was developed to provide energy for the Elkem Bjølvefossen metal smelter in Ålvik.


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